Martin Fitzpatrick
Senior Software Engineer, Python Tutor

Martin Fitzpatrick has been developing Python/Qt apps for 8 years. Building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adopting PyQt.

Spyder IDE gets stuck

Published 07.05.2020

.ui files with fbs

Published 07.05.2020

Writing for PyQt5 & PySide2

Published 07.05.2020


Password editing field, with Show/Hide toggle

First Steps With Qt Designer and PySide2

Use Qt Designer's drag and drop interface to design your GUI

Implementing QPainter flood fill in PyQt5/PySide

Filling irregular regions in a QPainter canvas

Packaging PyQt5 applications for Windows with PyInstaller & InstallForge

Turn your PyQt5 application into a distributable installer for Windows

Packaging PyQt5 applications for Linux with PyInstaller & fpm

Turn your PyQt5 application into installable Linux packages

Create Radiobuttons and Checkbuttons in Tkinter

Add selectable button widgets to your Tkinter GUI

The ModelView Architecture in PySide2

Qt's MVC-like interface for displaying data in views

Displaying Tabular Data in PyQt5 ModelViews

Create customized table views with conditional formatting, numpy and pandas data sources.

Plotting With Matplotlib and PyQt5

Create PyQt5 plots with the popular Python plotting library

Using the Place Geometry Manager in Tkinter

Laying out widgets with the Place geometry manager

Multithreading PySide2 applications with QThreadPool

Run background tasks concurrently without impacting your UI

Goodforbitcoin, a Cryptocurrency market tracker

Track cryptocurrency market values and trade volumes
Showing articles for All (25) PyQt6 (6) PySide6 (6) PyQt5 (19) Tkinter (8) PySide2 (10)
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