Thomas_Parker | 2020-10-01 09:50:08 UTC | #1
I have a quick question. I used your workermanager 6 example to build it into my application.
However I notice if I click the top right X to close the application, the threads just carry on running regardless!
What is the best way to go about closing everything and cleaning up on app exit?
A point in the right direction greatly appreciated! Thanks
Thomas_Parker | 2020-10-01 11:28:24 UTC | #2
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I have just solved this with the following solution.
in my ui class (that inherites from a designer ui py file) I placed this function to catch the close event and issue a kill all to my worker managers (one set are providing a camera snapshot feed and the other is inference engines):
def closeEvent(self, event):
print('x button clicked')
I then had an issue of it bugging when closing. I found out I had to store the app in a variable and pass it to sys exit (I still dont fully understand why! but it works):
app.exec_() changed to:
app_ref = app.exec_()
Now when I click the top right X it kills the workers and exits error free.