Dll loading error with pyinstaller + ctypes.cdll

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He_Han | 2021-01-14 08:31:32 UTC | #1

When I try to running exe file which created with pyinstaller+pyqt5, always has error messages like

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "PyInstaller\loader\pyiboot01_bootstrap.py", line 144, in init

File "ctypes__init__.py", line 373, in init

FileNotFoundError: Could not find module './FSetAccessibility.dll' (or one of its dependencies). Try using the full path with constructor syntax.

But when I run the program with IDE, or run the exe file in my personal notebook, it is running with no any error.. I already tried (https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/wiki/Recipe-Win-Load-External-DLL), still not working...

Packaging Python Applications with PyInstaller by Martin Fitzpatrick — This step-by-step guide walks you through packaging your own Python applications from simple examples to complete installers and signed executables.

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please help... OTL

martin | 2021-01-21 15:23:48 UTC | #2

Hi @He_Han

That's an unusual error -- when I Google it, all I find is this post :D

Do you have any idea what FSetAccessibility.dll is ? These kinds of errors not happening on your own computer are because you have that file available (probably under /Windows/System/ or /Windows/System32) but other computers do not.

We either need to figure out how to package that file with your software, or figure out what we need to change so that file isn't needed.

Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt5 by Martin Fitzpatrick — (PyQt5 Edition) The hands-on guide to making apps with Python — Over 10,000 copies sold!

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Martin Fitzpatrick

Dll loading error with pyinstaller + ctypes.cdll was written by Martin Fitzpatrick .

Martin Fitzpatrick has been developing Python/Qt apps for 8 years. Building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adopting PyQt.