qinhong_lai | 2020-05-28 08:19:40 UTC | #1
How to specify absolute path like self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("D://abc/"+'resource / logo.ico'))
martin | 2020-09-11 21:00:58 UTC | #2
Hey @qinhong_lai if you're building paths in Python it's a good idea to use òs.path.join
to rather than joining strings together, e.g.
os.path.join('D:\\', 'abc', 'resource', 'logo.ico')
That said, you really don't want to use absolute paths to point to your icons. Doing this will mean the icon must in the same location on every computer you distribute the application to.
If you're having trouble including the file with your application, take a look at this tutorial https://www.pythonguis.com/courses/packaging-and-distribution/packaging-pyqt5-pyside2-applications-windows-pyinstaller/ -- it explains a number of different ways to do it.