Pshemas | 2020-05-11 07:17:31 UTC | #1
Nice article. I have question, it is possible use this template for function which we start by pressing button and break by pressing another button?
anonymous | 2020-05-10 21:32:56 UTC | #2
I would like to ask for help with stopping thread (as Pshemas did some time ago). I have tried to add signal stop but I do not know how to emit that.
Alex | 2020-05-11 07:16:33 UTC | #3
I wrote a program using this article. But I do not know how to pause or stop all processes. Please, help.
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luciano | 2020-05-11 07:18:18 UTC | #4
Hi, I'm working on a data sample and plot GUI, which communicates with an external device, I've read the tutorial and helps me a lot. The issue is how to handle start and stop QRunnable in follow to start and stop communication engine.
Steven_K_Peters | 2020-11-16 20:54:11 UTC | #5
In my code, my thread uses a while loop. So what I did is I created a variable called = True inside class Worker which is used to control the while loop (while active). When I want the loop to stop I simply call and I make sure to set worker.setAutoDelete(True) so the thread is deleted automatically upon exit.
To make a thread pause I'm thinking you could place a while loop with argument self.pause=True. while self.pause: time.sleep(1)
I'm not sure if you would like my pause solution, but it's an option.
martin | 2020-11-16 20:54:11 UTC | #6
There is a working example of Steven's idea on this topic with a pause/resume/stop methods added to the worker.
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