There comes a point in any app's development where it needs to leave home — half the fun in writing software is being able to share it with other people. Packaging Python GUI apps can be a little tricky, but these guides will walk you through the process step by step.

If you're using Qt Designer you may want to take a look at the QResource system and how you can use it to package data files with your apps.

Explore Packaging & Distributing PyQt5 Applications

Packaging & Distributing PyQt5 Applications

The QResource System in PyQt5

Using the QResource system to package additional data with your applications

Package compatability

Published 14.06.2020

Fbs error Python 3.8

Published 11.05.2020

Packaging PyQt5 applications for Windows with PyInstaller & InstallForge

Turn your PyQt5 application into a distributable installer for Windows

Packaging PyQt5 applications for Linux with PyInstaller & fpm

Turn your PyQt5 application into installable Linux packages